Aug 5, 2009

Sichuan Birdwatching - The blogger block is still on - but we're still going strong

Hi there - it's August 2009 - and, because of local censorship of the internet, we still can't get into our blog,through legitimate means (we have to use a proxy server), which allows us to write - but not to post pics.
July was a hot and wet month - but we once again got into the Wolong/Balang Pass areas - and luckily around the Wuyipeng reserve area last year's quake damage is pretty insignificant - so the birding is good and our old friends, the summer leeches, are still a' biting!!!! Balang is still suffering from a bit of road construction mess - but not half as bad as before - and although their is still workers accommodation near the Monal stake-out - the birding around here was also pretty good, considering the misty conditions.
In all, with a trip that also went to the Baoxin area and then around to Bi Feng Xia and Wawu - we got 185 species in 6 birding days - and a nice Red Panda at Wawu.
To see some pics of this trip go to our Birdforum blog at -

this post and the one that folows it shows, that despite wet, grey conditions - you can still catch a lot of birds out here (even during the less fancied summer months - you just have to work a little harder)

To catch up with all our current Sichuan birding - take alook at our Birdforum site -

We go under the name of - china guy

and if you need advice or help with a Sichuan birding trip - please contact us at our usual Email

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